Archaeo-Pad-Lite app for iPhone and iPad
Archaeo-Pad-Lite has been designed to work the way that archaeologists do, aiming to only enter data once but letting you decide how you want to use it.
Data Collection features include:
Includes forms for Cut, Deposit, Structure, Plan, Section, Levels, Small Finds, Samples and Photos.
Comprehensive set of value lists for eg colour, inclusions, texture, slope.
Keeps track of context relationships and links between contexts, plans, finds etc
Level form does level calculations for you and lets you link levels to plans, finds, samples etc
For Admin:
Folder system allows you to organise your work as you like
Export data to print (HTML) or in CSV format to produce or analyse lists of finds, contexts, photos etc
Backup data or exchange with other users - with regular backup reminders
Prefer to use your own forms? Archaeo-Pad full version lets you create your own custom forms - use one of ours as a starting point, or start completely from scratch. Add in free form text fields, create your own lists of values for colours, textures etc, then share your standard forms with other users to make sure all your diggers work the same way.